A Fighting Chance Dan Bledsaw - Portage MI

Heart attack symptoms don’t always present in the same way for everyone. Some may experience pain in their jaw, cold sweats, nausea, or shortness of breath. While others, like 50-year-old Daniel Bledsaw, may simply not “feel like themselves.”

It was Fourth of July weekend. Daniel was traveling back home to Portage, Michigan after visiting family in Madison, Wisconsin. Shortly after crossing the Michigan border, Daniel’s wife Colleen noticed that he was pushing down and letting up on the gas pedal more often than normal. She thought it was strange and suggested that he pull the car over and take a few moments to stretch his legs. Daniel parked the car on the side of the road and began walking back and forth on the shoulder. On his third pass back toward the car, he collapsed.

“I am so thankful there was a high quality hospital close to where my accident took place. It’s a scary time after you have a heart attack because you’re unsure what to expect and how much damage took place. I really appreciate everything the staff at Lakeland did for me – they gave me a fighting chance.”

A week after the initial heart attack, cardiothoracic surgeon, Samuel Durham, MD, performed triple bypass surgery to repair the diseased heart artery. In addition to his surgical procedure, Heart Center staff also talked with Daniel about what a heart-healthy diet consists of and the importance of daily exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle once he returned home.

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