This is the Pearl Harbor memorial. What is it a memorial for you say? Well, in Oahu was on an attack from the japan for no reason and we the US lost about 200,000 American soldiers and this memorial is to remember those fighters that day.

This is the punalu'u beach, also known as the Black Sand Beach. The unusual black sand was created by lava flowing into the ocean. The basalt reaches the surface and forms this beautiful black beach.

The Waimea Canyon, also known as The Grand Canyon of the Pacific is a large canyon with 300,000 ft high. This is amazing because when you get there, you have an awesome view like this picture.

This is one of Hawaii's volcanoes that erupt. It was last erupted in 1984. Mauna Loa historically is the largest volcano on Earth.


Created with images by Alan Light - "Pearl Harbor, 1994" • mahinui - "punalu'u beach" • paul bica - "waimea canyon" • LaurenBacon - "Summit of Mauna Loa"

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