Who is me? Let's see!

Hello !!!

This is me and my lovely niece.

My name is Yada Jindapairoj. I'm 22 years old. I was born in 16 of June, 1995. I live in Bangkok with my parents. I study at Dhurakij Pundit University. I think it is not to late to study. I studied in Melbourne, Australia for 3 years. I had a great time and lots of experiences. I met new friends. I traveled around Australia. Let's see where I have been travel!!

This is a Water Park in Gold Coast, Australia. I went there with my sister and niece. I had a lot of fun there.
There are animals in Melbourne. Only penguin that stay in Phillip Island. They are so cute.
This is an Opera House in Sydney. I went to Sydney with my friend for big shopping. I stayed in Hyatt Hotel and my room had a great view. I could see an Opera house from my room. That was so beautiful.

Now I would like to show you pictures of my niece. You will fall in love with her.

She is my lovely niece. Her name is Monique. She is 2 years old right now. She is so playful and friendly.

If you want to know more about me, just visit my Facebook.


Created with images by hansvandenberg30 - "woman" • safetypinheart - "Melbourne Zoo" • FiveAcreWood - "Kangaroo" • Subhash Chandra - "Kangaroo" • saskia1310 - "koala australia koala bear" • Unsplash - "chinstrap penguin penguins antarctica" • pattyjansen - "sydney opera house" • kaboompics - "heart card pastels"

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