The Three Agricultural Revolutions By Eryn Mattson


Activities centered on cultivating domesticated crops and livestock in order to procure food and fiber for human use or consumption.

The First Agricultural Revolution:

The first agricultural revolution started with the domestication of plants and animals 11,000 years ago, when we moved from hunting and gathering to growing our own food.

Map of the Five Agricultural Hearths

The Second Agricultural Revolution:

The second agricultural revolution happened around the same time of the industrial revolution. This makes sense, as the second agricultural revolution was the mechanization of farming. This improved the efficiency of farming all together. During this time, machines like the seed drill and the plow were created, thus making farming much easier.

The Third Agricultural Revolution:

The third agricultural revolution was the beginning of technological innovations and scientific farming methods. Mechanization, chemical applications and biotechnology came along with this revolution also. There was a reduced number of laborers needed because of the gas and diesel tractors, but with these tractors created pollution.

During this time, there was a different revolution going on. I was called the Green Revolution. The purpose of this revolution is to put an end to world hunger by increasing grain production. A great example of this revolution is Norman Borlaug, a man who is credited for saving a billion of lives in India, Mexico and Pakistan from hunger by helping the become self-sufficient in grain production.

Genetically Modified Organisms:

Back to the Third Revolution, this is where a big thing called GMO's come into play. GMO's are genetically modified organisms, which practically means they are plants and animals changed as a result of biotechnology. GMO's have many great advantages to them, like the organisms being less resistant to weeds, pests and diseases, and sometimes even creating a higher nutritional value. But, like most things, they have their disadvantages. Some of them being scientists mixing genes of two or more different organisms, and sometimes GM foods are marketed without labeling.

Picture of modern day agriculture


Created with images by Peggy_Marco - "cows curious cattle" • Pezibear - "calf brown reddish" • StateofIsrael - "Agriculture" • AnnaER - "field cereals rye" • Bergadder - "bale straw agriculture" • Jim Epler - "John Deere Tractor" • Skitterphoto - "livestock cow cattle"

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