An Afternoon with Qualitrol CASE STUDY: QUAlitrol and hillpark Secondary School

Qualitrol has recently entered into a three-year partnership with Hillpark Secondary school in Glasgow.

They are working with the school to help improve performance in five key areas; employability, enterprise, skills and aspirations, transition and inclusion.

To take forward the partnership, 15 teachers from various disciplines spent an afternoon at Qualitrol’s office to learn about the variety of careers available in the industry. Staff from Customer Service, Contracts, Drawing Office, R&D, Artificial Intelligence and HR were all in attendance. Each department delivered a presentation to school staff on their functions and how these contributed to the business while also providing an overview on how they monitored and measured progress.

"Great start to our partnership with Hillpark. There was a real enthusiasm from both sides as we discussed how we could better engage with each other to our mutual benefit. We’re really looking forward to getting this off the ground.”

There was real enthusiasm from the management team at Qualitrol who invested time and resources into the preparation of the event. Qualitrol realises and appreciates the many benefits that engaging with a local secondary school can bring including creating a talent pool for succession planning.

If you have a Case Study you would like us to share, contact Jenn -

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