Frida Kahlo One of mexico's greatEst ArtistS

Early Life

On July 6, 1907, little Frida Kahlo was born in her house in Coyoacán, Mexico. She grew up in her house which was called the “Blue House.” Frida’s father was a photographer and his photography helped her learn about Mexican history, art, and architecture. When Frida was six, she caught a serious disease called polio and it took her a long time to recover. When Frida was a little older, she was enrolled in National Preparatory School in Mexico City. She was one of the few females to attend. When she was eighteen, she got in a terrible bus accident which caused her to be hospitalized and she couldn't get out of bed. Her mother had a special easel made for her so she could paint while she recovered recovered in bed. She found something she really liked doing!

On the Way to Becoming Famous

Frida married Diego Rivera in 1929. She couldn't paint for a while because looking after Diego was a full-time job. She and Diego argued and she moved out and was heartbroken. In 1937, she had her art in an exhibit and gallery owner, Julian Levy, asked her to display her art at his gallery. In 1939, Frida and Diego had a divorce. Also in 1939, she went to Paris for another exhibition. The famous Louvre Museum bought one of her works called “The Frame.” After that, her career started to take off.

Later in Life

Later in her life, Frida remarried Diego Rivera. She was asked to teach at the School of Painting and Sculpture in 1943. She loved teaching and taught twelve classes a week. A little while later, Frida started having more and more health issues. She couldn't move around much so she started expressing her thoughts and feelings in paintings of nonliving things. She was waiting to have an exhibition in Mexico. In 1953, she did. Her doctor said she was too sick to go. She got her bed put on a truck and was taken to the exhibit. Soon after, she started to become weaker and weaker. On July 13, 1954, she died in the Blue House at forty-seven.

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