Social Status in Victorian England Jessie Flanagan 3rd period

In Victorian England there was a strict barrier between the aristocratic community and the working-class. There were the "Haves" and the "Have-nots". People often accepted their place on the social pyramid without question. There were many differences between these two classes, and the traditions each group participated in.

The Upper-class and the lower class could not be more different. For example, the upper-class consisted of educated people able to provide for their families, while the working class often had to work night and day simply to stay alive. Working-class citizens dwelt in small, over-crowded shacks because they weren't able to afford to live in normal houses with the money they made. On the other hand, people of the aristocracy lived luxurious lives while people of a lower status took care of them. If you were able to pay someone to do something for you, you did.

Furthermore, the social hierarchy applied to everyone. It even extended to children. For example, the children of different classes played differently. The children of the upper-class we privileged enough to get to play with shiny, durable toys made of tin. Contrastly, the kids of the working-class spent their leisure time running around outside, for they could not afford nice toys. The way these children played was a direct reflection of their social status.

In conclusion, people of elite status and people from of the working-class were from different worlds. Not only were they working different jobs, and living in different types of houses, they also had completely different priorities in life. People from the aristocracy worried about whether or not they would get to eat their favorite meal. People of the lower-class worried about if they would be able to feed their family at all. Finally, these two classes were separated in everyway.


Created with images by shilmar - "scotland sterling home" • CircaSassy - "The adventures of Whittington and his cat p03" • pedrosimoes7 - "The Marquess has gone out at Five (2008) - Paula Rego (1935)" • Antonis Lamnatos - "Here come the robots"

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