GOALS britney tinajero

What do I want to do? Within the next year or less I would like to learn how to drive, volunteer at a Vet clinic or animal shelter and finally get my first job. I want to save money so I can go to either NAU or ASU and graduate with a doctorates degree. About 10 years from now I would like to become a veterinarian and open my own clinic to care for animals like my own.

Who do I want to be? Within the next year I want to become more positive towards myself, start eating healthy, exercise more and become more social and get out of my comfort zone. I would also like to stop being so nice to the point where people take advantage of me.

What do I want to see ? In the 3 to 5 years I want to go see dolphins in the ocean, go see the eiffel tower in Paris, the koalas in Sydney, Australia and the penguins in Antarctica and I would also like to go to the Black Jaguar- White tiger foundation to see if they would allow me to help and care for the wild animals.

What do I want to have? In 5 years I want to have two husky puppies, a boy and a girl and I want to raise them from birth. By 2028 I want to have my own house, get married and have 2 kids, and purchase my own, brand new car.

Where do I want to go? By 2020 I want to go to Australia to explore the open space, I would like to go to New York just to have a nice trip with my brother, I want to go to Spain by 2022 to see what it's like there and I want to go to Antarctica to see the Penguins.


Created with images by Christopher.Michel - "Happy World Penguin Day!" • ktee1026 - "Eiffel Tower at night" • whiterabbitart - "dolphins" • londoncyclist - "Antarctica" • Efraimstochter - "spain flag flutter" • Thomas Depenbusch - "Australia" • skeeze - "statue of liberty landmark close"

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