The Fault in our Stars MaCayla HUrt

The Fault in our Stars is a tragic love story. 2 teenagers, Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace, met in group therapy.At first Hazel refuses to date Gus because she has cancer and doesn't want to die while dating him. The story takes a turn, Gus' cancer comes back and he uses his ''wish'' to take Hazel to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author. He didn't tell Hazel his cancer came back until the day they left Amsterdam. Sadly the treatments didn't help Gus, and he passes away. He left a letter in Amsterdam with the author, and the author gives it to Hazel at the funeral, and the letter is a goodbye from Gus to Hazel.

Theme 1-Isolation,Most of the teenagers you know don't have cancer, right? We can thank our lucky stars for that, but for Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac in The Fault in Our Stars, that means a whole lot of isolation. Sure, Hazel hangs out with her friend Kaitlyn, and Isaac starts off the book with a lovey dovey girlfriend, but when the going gets tough, their illnesses separate them from most other people. Add that to their physical limitations, and they find themselves in a world that is oftentimes very, very lonely. *2nd Theme-Identity,After all, Hazel has the added complication of cancer—she doesn't have much time left to answer the question. Hazel's self-discovery is helped along by a boy, a book, and ultimately, herself.

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Author of The Fault in our Stars, John Green.

The author of this book is John Green,John Michael Green (born August 24, 1977) is an American author, vlogger, writer, producer, actor and editor. He won the 2006 Printz Award for his debut novel, Looking for Alaska, and his sixth novel, The Fault in Our Stars, debuted at number one on The New York Times Best Seller list in January 2012.The 2014 film adaptation opened at number one on the box office. In 2014, Green was included in Time magazine's list of The 100 Most Influential People in the World. Another film based on a Green novel, Paper Towns, was released on July 24, 2015.(picture above)

In the picture above is where Hazel and Gus went on a date, and a little bit down the road is where Gus told Hazel he had cacer.


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