Chemical & Biological Warfare Jack Devaney

  • How WWI was affected by This type of warfare
  • What happened After WWI because of this warfare
  • Why these weapons are not a threat
  • Why these weapons are a threat


Chemical and Biological weapons are far more intricate and advanced compared to when they were being used in the medieval period, but the use for them is still the same intention, to kill everything it's exposed to.

Research Question

Why is it necessary to have all these weapons if there are rules against them to never use them for military use.

  • Poison plant extract on tips of arrows and spears
  • Boiling tar poured on attacking enemies
  • Dead bodies in water wells
Gas masks
Battlefield after gas attacks
  • Geneva protocol
  • Treaty that banned chemical weapons
  • Chemical warfare was not as bad as it seemed to be, in the eyes of the germans
Notice how he's not waring a gas mask...
  • This weaponry keeps being researched
  • No use, the weapons are banned
  • Unnecessary to have all this firepower for no use.

Author and date not listed. Brief History of Chemical Weapon Use. ORGANISATION FOR THE PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS. Retrieved from

Friedrich Frischknecht. (June 4th 2003). The History of Biological Warfare.European Molecular Biology Organization. Retrieved from

Richard J Brennan, Joseph F Waeckerle, Trueman W Sharp, Scott R Lillibridge. (November 15th 2005). Chemical Warfare Agents: Emergency Medical and Emergency Public Health Issues. Retrieved from

Sarah Everts. (2015). When Chemicals Became Weapons of War. retrieved from

Daniel J. DeNoon. (2003). Biological and Chemical Terror History. Retrieved from

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