Minecraft Club 2017 a Summer Program with mrs. roskie

Minecrafters rejoice! Join our club to network with other Minecrafters. You will have the opportunity to share ideas, connect with peers, and expand your own knowledge of the game. With special guest and Minecraft guru, Matt Stanton.

July 17-21 from 9 - 11 am

The program fee is $200 per student. Sibling discounts are available. Please make checks payable to cash or Millicent Roskie. Students can send payment in an envelope with registration information to Mrs. Roskie at Bragg School. Questions? Feel free to send a note to millicent.roskie@chester-nj.org.

The club is open to students entering grades 3-8.

Hope to see you this summer!


Created with images by Uriel 1998 - "Minecraft Cathedral" • theunwiseman - "2011-06-06_00.56.38"

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