Health and beauty Rejuvenate your body

Begin 2017 with a new you

It's time to let go of the stress

Your body and mind is craving for a new start. Nothing is better at refreshing your body and mind than a simple natural routine.

You've heard it all and maybe tried a few diets and exercise classes; nothing seems to provide permanent solutions.

If you're committed to making a difference in the way you look and feel

We invite you to join us for a talk with Bodhi over some wine. Let us show you the solutions that will truly make a difference.

Health, beauty, and nature

Through ages of Chinese medicine wisdom, we have uncovered permanent solutions to health and beauty. The essential ingredient?

Realign with nature.
  1. Beauty and health comes from within and alignment with nature
  2. The foods you eat today are the quality of the cells tomorrow
  3. Learn how to embrace your body's natural resources for health
Eat. Not diet
  1. Learn to use foods that reverse aging
  2. Create a meal that rejuvenates your body
  3. Prevent chronic illness using food
Beauty and Mind
  1. Create a meal plan that's catered to your body and skin type
  2. Reconnect with nature and eat with the season
  3. Find polluting factors that might be accelerating your aging process
  4. Decompress and unwind with food and lifestyle, not the other way around

Join us

Dr. Janine Mahon

Dr. Kai Cheng

Doctors of Oriental Medicine

Feb 7th 7:00-8:00 pm 140 Laker Drive Corrales NM 87048

Special thanks to Anji Lang for hosting the event


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