The 1st Sunday of Lent- 2017 Rachel SChwab


"The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve." Mt 4:10

This verse tells the story of Jesus in the desert for 40 days and nights and all of the temptations from the devil. Jesus is not thrown off by the devil's attempts to cause Him to stray from God.

the overall theme of this Sunday's readings is temptation

These readings are very relevant in today's world. We face many temptations every day, but many times, unlike Jesus, we are unable to overcome these temptations. Luckily, we have God to forgive us of these sins and we have Jesus as an example to overcome and avoid these temptations. Sin has created the divide between us and God, but Jesus did not have this divide. We strive to have the pure relationship that Jesus had with God.

To connect with a student audience, the theme of the reflection would also be temptation. In high school, we are faced with many temptations surrounding peer pressure and ways to "succeed." The devil throws these temptations at us and we fail to be like Jesus. It is very hard to turn away from all temptation, but we must look to Jesus' example. He so easily turns from the devil and does no wrong. We are so lucky to have God to forgive us always. Though temptation is great, God is greater.


Created with images by Jamiesrabbits - "Lent votives" • joaogbjunior - "cruz jesus christianity" • @JayBe - "Lent"

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