Wes Anderson Film director, screenwriter, actor

The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

Three adult protégées who live at still live at home with their adopted mother. After the father falls on his luck he returns home hoping to make things right with his family.

The Aquatic Life with Steve Zissou (2004)

Oceanographer Steve Zissou is out for revenge on a mythical shark that allegedly killed his coworker and closest friend. He takes colorful crew of his estranged wife, a pregnant journalist, and a man who could be his long-lost-son on the journey.

The Darjeeling Limited (2007)

Three brothers take a trip across India in an attempt to grow closer together after their father's death.

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

A sly fox can't move on from his rebellious past, despite becoming a father, and jeopardizes the town from one ugly run in with the local farmers. He has to figure out how to save the town and get back his tail, and he must be quick about it.

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

A pair of kids claim their love for each other and planned to escape their strange lives to live on the secluded part of the island. Unfortunately for them the island is small and their absence brings together a wide range of locals together to search for the couple.

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

It's the tale of Gustave H, legendary concierge, and his lobby boy/ most trusted friend, Zero Mustafa. The pair goose chase for the recovery of a priceless painting while battling for an enormous family fortune.

The Dog of Isle (2018)

Wes Anderson's latest film is about reported to come out late next year. The film is about a boy on an adventure to find his dog. It will be Anderson's second stop motion film.

Created By
Gabrielle Wheeler


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