
Studio Headshot Style Guide SOCIALEYES PHOTOGRAPHY

How would you like to present yourself?

Background Tone

  • White - light: Highlights a clean cut, contemporary, friendly and approachable character
  • Grey - dark: Connotes a more serious tone, conscientiousness and elegance - analogous to classical paintings and portraits.
1A & 1B


  • Even (No facial shadow): Diffused light across the face promoting a modern, vibrant and clean look.
2A: Even - diffused lighting across whole face
  • Weighted (Soft facial shadow): Adds more definition to the face and connotes a more thoughtful and natural look.
2B: Weighted - soft shadow

Rembrandt (Strong facial shadow): Has a more dramatic feel connoting strong character. Emphasizes the presence and emotion of the face.

2C: Rembrandt - strong shadow
  • Kicker: Light angled slightly behind the subject to emphasis cheek and jaw features - reveals normally hidden qualities of the face.
2D: Weighted with Kicker lighting
Light to dark backgrounds

Camera Angle

  • Elevated: Conveys friendliness, geniality and openness.
  • Straight-on: Depicts a strong, confident and stoic presence.
Left: 3A Elevated - Right: 3B Straight-on

More Examples

More Examples

4A: Straight-on angle with Weighted lighting (soft shadow)
4B: Elevated angle with Weighted lighting (soft shadow)
4C: Straight-on with Rembrandt lighting (Strong shadow)
4D: Slightly elevated with Even lighting (diffused across the face)
4E: Straight-on angle with Weighted lighting
4F: Straight-on angle. Weighted with Kicker lighting
4G: Straight-on with Even lighting (diffused across the face)
4H: Straight-on with Even lighting (diffused across the face)
4I: Straight-on with Rembrandt lighting (Strong shadow)
4J: Elevated with Even lighting (diffused across the face)
Created By
Ben Russell


Ben Russell - socialeyesphoto.com

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