My Trip to Auyuittuq Darian Good

When I got there, I wanted to camp so I bought a three day camping license which costs $73.50


On the first day, I woke up and went outside. I knew it was really cold so I bundled up. So then I went to used the snowmobiles. For almost the whole day and it was amazingly fun. At about 6 I went back to the camp and got a fire and with my friends we made s'mores. Then went to sleep.


So the next day, we went out and this time we went hiking. Although it was a little wet we still did it. We hiked until about lunch time then ate. Then, we went back out and hiked until dinner. That night we at hot dogs cooked over the fire.


So today, our last day, we went dog sledding. I loved it so much especially the dogs. We had to ride back again to eat lunch, then I went right back out. On the last day, I went back to camp to spend time with my family and friends and have a little celebration.

Once we went home, I was upset we couldn't stay longer but I had a great time.

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