Benefits Of Healthy Eating

There are many benefits of eating healthy. Healthy eating can reduce risks of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. By eating healthy, you can have a healthy brain, heart, and weight. A good diet should include all the food groups of the food guide, these groups are: fruits and vegetables, grain products, milk and alternatives, and meat and alternatives.

Canada's food guide

What does eating healthy do to the body? Eating healthy benefits your body because it makes you healthier, have more energy, and also reduces risks of diseases. Eating healthy can also affect your growth in a positive way. When you want to eat healthy, you should avoid food that have lots of sugar, salt, or cholesterol, another thing to avoid is foods that have trans fat. By eating healthy, you benefit your body in many ways. Types of healthy foods are fruits, for vitamins, vegetables for nutrients, dairy which is important for our bones, grain products can lower risk of heart diseases, meat and alternatives are also good for protein.

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