Food and Nutrition

Learning Outcomes

  • Recall that a balanced diet has six constituents: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water, each with different functions.
  • Describe a food pyramid and give examples of types of food recommended in a balanced diet.
  • Carry out qualitative food tests for starch, reducing sugar, protein and fat.
  • read and interpret the energy values indicated on food product labels and identify the food types on the label that form part of a balanced diet

What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is concerned with how an organism gets its food and what type of food it gets.

What is a Balanced diet?

A balanced diet includes the correct amount of protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals, vitamins and water a person needs depending on:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Activity

What are the benefits of a balanced diet?

  • A lower risk of disease eg. heart disease and diabetes.
  • Stronger muscles and bones.
  • A healthy body mass.
  • Feeling better.

The food pyramid allows us to follow a balanced diet.

Different food types and why you need them.

Deficiency diseases are diseases caused by lack of a particular food.

Socrative Quiz

Code: SOC-24548785

Testing for the presence of starch in food.

Testing for the presence of protein in food.

Socrative Quiz for Homework

Code: SOC-25637853

Created By
Afiyah Farooq


Created with images by Devanath - "white wall texture" • Devanath - "white wall texture" • Devanath - "white wall texture" • Army Medicine - "Food" • Devanath - "white wall texture" • Devanath - "white wall texture" • Devanath - "white wall texture" • Devanath - "white wall texture" • Devanath - "white wall texture" • Devanath - "white wall texture"

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