Photo Composition Rules and Errors

Composition Rules

RULE OF THIRDS - The main subject is on the far right or left of the photograph, rather than down the very center. In this image, the cup of tea is placed on the far right third of the photograph.
REPETITION - The photograph has a repeating pattern, with some variance within said pattern. In this image, the herd of sheep creates a repeating pattern, with some sheep creating variance by body position or wool color.
ANGLE - Dramatizing the photograph by changing the angle or viewpoint, not by tilting the camera. In this image, the use of a worm's eye view adds dramatization to the ball and dog.
STRONG SUBJECT (FILLING THE FRAME) - The focal point/center of interest fills the frame of the photograph. In this image, the boy is the center focus, with a non-distracting background.
FRAMING - Natural elements are used to create a border around the center of focus. In this image, the trees create a frame around the colorful city.
LEADING LINES - Lines are used to direct the audience's attention. In this image, the curvy road attracts and leads the audience's eyes through the photograph.
SELECTIVE FOCUS - A narrow depth-of-field is used so that a specific part of the photograph is in focus. In this image, the photograph focuses only on the first set of hugging trinkets and blurs out the background trinkets.

Composition Errors

CROPPING OF BODY PARTS - The photograph cuts out small amounts of someone's body. In this image, the photograph crops mid-thigh rather than cropping higher or including the entire model's legs.
INTRUSIONS - An object intrudes onto the edge of the photograph, which unintentionally causes distraction to the main subject. In this image, the leg of another donkey distracts from the primary donkey.


Created with images by scottwebb - "plant succulent potted"

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