Kalpana and Dhanish the story begins...


A beautiful & bold girl

She is funny bone, deep thinker, caring and full of life. She loves to dance and writing is her passion. She is an amazing cook and cooks very tasty Indian and continental dishes. She is a great sports enthusiast and crazy about fashion. She is simply gorgeous and unique in her own way.


Handsome & caring gentleman

A sweet, simple guy who is naughty in nature, with a pure heart and a happy go live person. At the same time a very determined and hard working person who loves and take care of everyone. He likes to visit places and travel unplanned. He can turn into a brave hero, caring gentleman or a gallant chevalier anytime required.

How we met

It was a beautiful evening back in spring 2016, Kalpana and I met at Costa Cafe Shipra , courtesy to our families. She looked very beautiful and pretty just like what I had imagined. The ambiance, pleasant aroma of cafe and her beauty was putting love spell over me. The talk starts from that first date and needless to say we become good friends in no time. Our understanding and started becoming stronger and stronger day by day.

The time we got in our courtship period, we got to know about each other, our likes and dislikes and that brought us more and more close, Now , I have realized she is the one for whom I was waiting, who loves me more than myself, who cares about me and without whom my life will be incomplete. With the blessing of God and our families, and the best wishes of our friends, we are tying the knot of our relationship on 16 Nov.

I would be delightful if you can become a part of our beautiful journey and bless us with your presence!!


No time with you can be long enough... Let's just start with forever !!!

Wednesday, 13 July 2016


With the blessing of Gods, we are tying the knot of our relationship. I would be delightful if you will become a part of our beautiful journey and bless us with your presence !!

Wednesday, 16 Nov 2016 @ 08 :00PM

The story Continues...Come be a part of it.

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