Rainforest Alliance Protecting the lungs of the planet

Rainforest Alliance works to help the earth with things like global warming, deforestation, poverty, and drought. Saving the rainforests and helping people in need is an extremely important cause.

There are 113,498,071 acres under the Rainforest Alliance management. They use this land to bring benefits to communities and environments around the world. The Alliance has programs in 74 nations and 1,408,900 people trained in their earth friendly practices.

All together this is really an amazing cause and does extremely important work. Without the help of The Alliance, many ecosystems would be destroyed, thousands of families hungry, and thousands of children uneducated. By donating to this charity you will be helping so many lives and projects. This is such a giant organization that actually gets things done so your donations are sure to make a difference.

Effective in February 1st of 2016, Nigel Sizer will become The Rainforest Alliance's new president. He has 25 years of natural resources management experience and has worked all over the world including Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He is undoubtedly experienced and a perfect fit for the job.

Nigel Sizer

Join Nigel in the quest to make an impact. With him at the helm of this great ship of change, the Rainforest Alliance will definitely be making a difference.

If enough donations aren't made, The Alliance will not be able to continue its work. Then these environments will be destroyed and thousands of people will end up dying. Hundreds of thousands of people donate every year, so why not join them? Give to the cause that really makes an impact.

Created By
Megan Dillard

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