Greek People GAbi K, Gabi C, Gabe R, breTt B, Khamoi P, kuan j, alberto E, & mike C


Was a philosopher, politician, botanist, and zoologist, born in 384 BC, was a student of Plato, he tutored Alexander the Great, and developed his own school called Lyceum


Fought for Athens in Peloponnesian War, never asked for money in return of teachings, taught Plato, never wrote down any of his teachings, he raised questions about Athenian Democracy and Athenian Religion, he was charged of not recognizing the gods and for the youth of Athens so he was sentenced to death.


Plato was a student of Socrates, he believed that philosopher kings should rule city-states, he started the Academy which was one of the first universities.

Alexander The Great

Alexander the Great was born in Macedon. His parents were King Philip II and Olympias. When Alexander was 13 he was tutored by Aristotle. He died of pneumonia on June 10, 323 B.C.


Born into an aristocratic family in 494 B.C. He was a statesman and general of Athens, he rebuilt the Acropolis, but was destroyed by the Persians


Born into an aristocratic family in 494 B.C. He was a statesman and general of Athens, he rebuilt the Acropolis, but was destroyed by the Persians


Draco was a Greek lawmaker who introduced the first written code of law in ancient Greece. Draco’s code included very severe laws. Under his system of law, almost all crimes called for the death penalty, even very minor offences. His laws were unpopular and most of them were rewritten by his successor, Solon.


Solon was a democratic reformer in Athens and he created a brand new system of dealing with debt, and he replaced many of the harsh laws passed by Draco.


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