Middle East Now Hutchison

There is a fight currently happening in Syria between soldiers who support the president Bashar Al-Assad and the rebels who don't support him.

In Iraq on February 19, 2017 Iraqi forces launched air strikes on the western part of the city, where hundreds of the thousands of civilians are trapped, to retake Mosul.

A virus was let out on December 1, 2016 in Saudi Arabia that hit the middle east energy companies in 2012 and was used to attack government agencies.

A group of people attacked and killed 9 militants at police checkpoint on January 9, 2017 in Egypt. .

Iran and the West are trying to strike a deal on Iran's nuclear program currently in Iran.

On February 25, 2017 in the Central City of Homs in Syria 30 people were killed in an attack.

Currently happening in Turkey female soldiers are fighting ISIS in Syria.

On February 13, 2017 Syrian forces dropped chlorine bombs where they plan to advance and campaign

In Turkey on March 4, 2017 a pilot of a crashed syrian jet was rescued after being shot down.

There is a very high risk of political and religious violence currently in Lebanon.


Created with images by WikiImages - "africa continent aerial view" • Arian Zwegers - "Palmyra, Temple of Bel" • Tigr - "Syria_261106_092" • U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. Fifth Fleet - "USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70)150303-N-TP834-228" • DVIDSHUB - "Air strikes in Syria [Image 4 of 6]" • Kurdishstruggle - "Peshmerga | Kurdish Army" • Sangre-La.com - "hz1646.JPG" • Son of Groucho - "Police Checkpoint" • sonjarotter - "flag egypt wind" • lenamann - "iran mosque minarets" • @Peta_de_Aztlan - "Liberation for Iran!" • PublicDomainPictures - "background blue country" • Eusebius@Commons - "Lebanese flag floating"

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