How we express ourselves Pyp Exhibition

How we express ourselves- An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feeling , nature , culture , beliefs , and values; the ways in which we reflect on , extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Week 1

My drawing

From the 6 graders I learned that you should follow your passion and not just go with your friends. You need to have hard work.

Week 3

Town hall meeting- I learned that people can express themselves in a verity of ways like in the video they were dancing and there was art so they were expressing in 2 ways.

My interest-

1. Interior designing - I choose because Interior designing because it can be expressed in so many ways and your ideas, thoughts, feelings and imagination.

2. Art - I also chose art because I so imaginative and it is everywhere.

Meeting the group

Today we meet our groups for the first time and played some games like keep the ball in the air for the longest as a group. Then we had to make a bridge out of newspaper, tape and scissors it was fun and we did good! We also discussed about what we like doing so we could know about each other to work as a group and not fight. Today I learned that we have to work in a group and we should be open to other peoples ideas even of they are different then ours.

Today we met our groups again and today we were forming lines of inquiry 1 , 2 and 3 and concepts and central idea.

Today we formed questions on our first line of inquiry. We also formed more concepts. Also we get roles depending on what we will research on.

Today we sectioned our lines of inquiry into- History , Future , Present , Past to present and present to future and each person picked one question to research on.

Today we were reframing question for the 1 line of inquiry that we want to search on.

Today we were reframing our questions because we realised that we don't have interests in the questions we had chosen.

Central idea-

“Designing an interior and exterior space helps to extend our lifestyle“

Lines of inquiry-

  • Use of technology in designs
  • Trends in design
  • How designs showcase our lifestyle
This is what we had to wright on.

We have framed questions for each person to research on and find out. We did it to find out information.

  • We made essential agreements
  • We did group building activities
  • We made central idea
  • We made concepts
  • We made lines of inquiry
  • We formed question on line of inquiry 1
  • We got roles according to what we want to do

Today we had a meeting in the auditorium and we were talking about how to have good team work and there were 3 skits which were really nice and helpful. We also had a meeting with Miss Kasabi. And we also worked on our questions.

Today we were filling a rubric on our selves and we were researching on our questions.

Thinking Skills

  • Acquisition of knowledge- I developed my own ideas about new things like when I researched about interior designing I had a different point of view because before I had a limited amount of knowledge about interior designing but when I actually researched about it I got a bigger idea of what is it and how does it work, what is it like.
  • Comprehension- I understood the main ideas when learning about how interior designs needs specific techniques, skills and ideas.
  • Application- I made connection a between facts and info how they were connected and how they were similar.
  • Analysis - I made connections between ideas and facts about my research and connected them.

Today we did research on our questions and we also had a meeting with Miss. Richa Bahl we got more information.1

Communication Skills

  • Listening - I listened carefully, with interest to others in a group/ teacher/ guest speaker/ video/ presentation to hear their ideas and thoughts about the various aspects of interior design and what each person thinks about it.
  • Speaking - I expressed my ideas clearly, thoughtfully and logically by researching information on interior designing and I talked to my group about all the relevant information i found. Earlier I was not able to share my ideas and thoughts but then I tried to open up and talk more with my group. Now I am a little more open then before but I still need to open up more.
  • Reading - I understood main ideas from the text and took an effort to research more information on the questions. I also read slowly for better and clear understanding.
  • Writing - I put information that I had read into my own words while writing about my understanding of interior design and how it has evolved over the years.
  • Non- verbal communication- I looked at logos/ icons/ sings ... and understood their meaning. I looked at photos of various differently designed places ( make overs of houses ) and understood what they were trying to show or say.

Today we had to talk for 5 minutes about what we have done and what we need to do and finish by today. I tried getting my work done but I couldn't. We were also planning a field trip.

Teacher comments

Week 5

Leaner profile reflection-

  • I think I was a good communicator today because I was asking people in my group what they thought about my ideas and thoughts and I was asking them for help or things I didn't know about.
  • Last to last week I was not courageous to share my ideas and thought and how I felt about something.

Today we had a town hall meeting and they showed us how to make lemonade and why they did that was because they wanted to know that we should work in a team and help one and other. They also showed us these two videos. Today I reached on more question and we did leaner profile reflection.

Today we were presenting our LOI 1 research and we good feed back. Also we were doing just a little more research on our questions to make them better so I have to research on a new question now.

List your Research

During my research work I found out -

  • What is interior designing
  • How has technology helped lighting at homes
  • How have materials changed
  • How technology has allowed best use in small spaces.

What I need to research on-

  • I need to research on how technology is allowing best space in kitchens

Research skills

  • Formulating Questions- I made up questions that I could research and find lots of information about interior designing and how it has become better with the help of technology and what has changed in interior designing.
  • Observing- I listened to or watched to learn more when I didn't know about some thing very well or we would have more guest speakers to clear our questions.
  • Planning- I organised my brainstorming to figure out what I wanted to research on. This helped me to know what information i need to find out from my research.
  • Collecting data- I used the internet to collect data for finding out information on interior designing and the elements of interior designing
  • Recording data- I took notes full of main points without copying sentences

Today we were forming questions for the LOI 2. We got ideas on what is was about and we were doing a mini research.

Week 6

Today we reframed a few questions and we were planing a field trip.

Black hat reflection-

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