Mass Incarceration and Lack of Education Dale Wagner ENGL 101-016

Since the beginning of the 1980's, the prison population in the United States has nearly quadrupled.

Although many more people are in prison, crime rates have not changed for the better.

Why are so many people unaware of this fact?

Why are children being taught that prisons are effective?

What can be done to stop This?

The Solution: Teach children the truth about prison. Children are the future and they must be taught about important issues like mass imprisonment.

Is it right to NOT inform children about important problems?
Teaching children these facts at a young age will not only inspire change, it will create it.


Created with images by Taken - "jail prison ruin" • babawawa - "prison jail detention" • World Can't Wait - "DC Guantanamo Protest Jan 2015-61" • bluelemniscate - "stocky crime tape photo" • KlausHausmann - "handcuffs caught crime" • USAG-Humphreys - "Back to School 2012 - U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys, South Korea - 27 August 2012" • lumix2004 - "sunset children child"

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