National Missionaries Effectiveness Why national missionaries are often more effective than forign missionaries

Cultural differences and misunderstandings
Cultural differences


  • The first step to eliminate cultural miscommunication is to gain a better understanding of the new culture that you are living in.
  • This picture shows how two different cultures greet one another.
  • It also shows the lack of understanding that these two individuals have towards the other person's culture.
  • When missionaries moved to a different country, they must go through the process of learning the culture in order to avoid making some vital mistakes.
Understanding the language in a foreign country is a very important aspect of communicating with the national people. Using translation is useful, but the most effective way to communicate the gospel is when it is directly taught by the national people who completely understand the language and the culture.
"Gaining a better understanding of today's multicultural world will help with all of the intermixing and "cross pollinating" that occurs between people from different backgrounds, nations, and cultures, which can lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication." - Steven Bonner


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