MRSA By Cody Bertram

A person that haves MRSA
This is bacteria

What is MRSA: MRSA is a bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics infections short acted term staph bacteria to get into the body often through a cut.

How do you get MRSA: You could get MRSA by touching another person who has MRSA on the skin or by touching objects that have bacteria on them.

Who is most likely to get MRSA: Hospitals and nursing homes patients most likely to get MRSA infections sare thoose with other heath conditions macking them sick.

What are the symptoms of MRSA: Bumps,reddened or inflamed skin.

What is the treatment of MRSA: Antibiotics by mouth for seven to ten days.

What is the prevention of MRSA: Keep your hands clean by washing throughly with soup and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.- Keep wounds covered- anivod sharing sheets razors , clothing and athletic equipment.

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