Financial Literacy Taylor West

Learning Target #1: In Financial Literacy I learned how to type a complaint letter and send it out to companies. I sent mine to Otter Box due to the fact my case broke within 2 weeks of me getting it. I received a response within 2 weeks. They shipped me a brand new case free of charge. I can use a complaint letter in the future if something happens like this again.

Learning Target #2: I learned how to balance a checkbook. This is very important to know because I need to know how checkbook/balancing works. I am now capable to handle and balance a check book. When I establish a checking account in a few years I will know how to do them now.
Learning Target #2: I learned all about the stock market and how it operates. It was a very interesting lesson and I learned things I never knew about stock and the market. I might buy stock one day if I'm feeling confident. I have the ability to do this because I learned all about the process in Financial Literacy.
Learning Target #4: We did a budgeting project where we were given a career with how much we make. After getting our monthly net income we had to buy a car and rent an apartment. I happened to have the lowest monthly net income therefore, making this project difficult. In the future it is important on how to know how to balance your money because you will be living on your own. I learned a lot from this project and I enjoyed researching and doing it.
Learning target #5: We learned about our protections as consumers which is important. If we are unaware of our rights and protections as consumers, how can we be effective consumers? We also learned what federal companies are out there to help us (consumers) in a time of need. I would like to know how effective I can be as a consumer so, learning my rights and my responsibilities can be very useful. If I act on my rights and responsibilities, I'm protecting myself from the dangers of being an unhealhty consumer.

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