"Who was Babe Ruth?" by Joan Holub November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"They lived in a noisy, dirty part of town. It was called Pigtown because pigs were brought in on trains and then herded through the streets to the slaughterhouse." (pg.6)

Based upon the context clues, the word "slaughterhouse" means a place where animals are killed for food.

"Baltimore was a major seaport, ships came and went, sailing off into the Atlantic Ocean." (pg.9)

Based upon the context clues, the word "seaport"means a town or city with a harbor for seagoing ships.

"His daughter Dorothy was delighted to have him home, she adored him, he was so much fun always laughing and joking around." (pg.78)

Based upon the context clues, the word "adored" means to love and respect.

"Big George took him to St. Mary's Industrial School for boys and left him there, it was a reform school for trouble makers, runaways, and orphans, most kids there didn't have parents." (pg.11)

Based upon the context clues, the word "orphans" means when a child's parents passed away or lacking of protection.

"St. Mary's was a Catholic school, Babe and the other boys slept in big rooms called dormitories with their beds set in long, neat rows. " (pg. 13)

Based upon the context clues, the word "dormitories" means a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution.

"Babe learned to read, write, and do math, older boys learned to become bakers or tailors, most boys wanted to be tailors so they could make themselves better fit clothes." (pg.15)

Based upon the context clues, the word "tailors" means when a person whose occupation is making fitted clothes.

"In May he threw dirt in a umpire's eyes and chased a heckler into the stands, in June he argued with an umpire and was suspended for five games." (pg.73)

Based upon the context clues, the word "heckler" means somebody who insults, teases, or makes fun of.

"He ate and drank too much and didn't exercise, by the beginning of the season he had gained fifty pounds and had a potbelly." (pg.86)

Based upon the context clues, the word "potbelly" means a large or protruding stomach.

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Created with images by skeeze - "vintage babe ruth man" • Animal Freedom - "Inside slaughterhouse" • bones64 - "new york city harbor new york" • Bessi - "aron arsa model" • madtadi - "orphan" • City of Boston Archives - "Boys' dormitory" • KatjusaC - "Tailor" • AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker - "Yell" • mp1746 - "potbellied pigs pig black"

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