What is Beauty? Biz Patrick Eng 101p

Today many people have their own definition of what beauty is. Beauty is not just on the outside but also the inside. The beauty that we see in magazines or on videos or models is the beauty that we think is "right." The idea of beauty is not about having that perfect physical appearance but rather having an understanding that gives people an experience to one's ears, intellect, eyes, and moral sense. Real, powerful, natural beauty comes from the heart within people and when it has blossomed it is such an alluring spirit that many cannot contain. Some sayings, "Beauty comes from within," or "Beauty is as beauty does," come from this. People who are indulged by inner strength begin to perceive someone as having a beautiful soul.

"Beauty is the opposite of perfection- It's about confidence charisma, and character." ~Anonymous

Rumors can hurt...

In modern day, society tells people what to do and how to think. But why? It has control over people who choose to listen. Society is the reason why we have come to terms on what true beauty is. Their definition of beauty is someone who is a size 2, plastic, Barbie doll. It has made us realize that fake material and rumors can hurt. Those who are not a part of the society tend to not agree with what society says. Society is not made up of the average people working average jobs. It is made up of the people who are rich and have some type of power.

Barbie is the idea of beauty

Beauty is defined as a quality that pleases the mind or senses. It is what others see in each other. A feature that makes one person beautiful may not be the same for another person. Barbie. That is what America sees beauty as. Even though there are different versions of Barbie, they are all made the same. People see beauty has having blonde hair, big chest, tiny waist, and a curved butt. This is what we think the perfect image of a woman is today. But not all beautiful people are/look like this.

Knowing the true meaning of beauty can be summed up in one the famous Marilyn Monroe quotes, “Boys think girls are like books. If the cover does not catch their attention they will not bother to read what is inside.” It is understandable that both internal and external beauty have their pros and cons, Marilyn is trying to show us that both kinds of beauty are beautiful, important, and balance each other. Guys do not even bother with learning who the girl is if she is not the least bit attractive. In other words, how can a guy find a girl beautiful internally if she does not fit his criteria of beauty on the outside.

Beauty has a price

We judge a book by its cover. It is untrue and unwise, but we place a great deal of importance of people’s first impression. First impressions offer fast moving cues to make an assumption of someone. Our physical appearance is the first thing people see, that is why it has become everyone’s Achilles heel. The first impression is always the most expensive. It is expensive only because of the things we lose. We base our priorities on our appearance and it causes us to deny the true beauty and quality in ourselves. By focusing on the beauty within, we will receive the true value from other people. Society has caused beauty to be costly. People spend so much money getting nipped and tucked just so they can “fit” in. Beauty can be a sport or a goal, it is all up to the person. Some people think they cannot be more beautiful than they already are but every car needs a new fresh coat or a few new designs. But beauty comes from within your chassis.

Embrace Yourself

When you show people a bold choice, it does not go unseen. Choosing beauty makes some feel objectified by the issues and choices they have made. Ask yourself, “What will I try to accomplish today.” Once you ask yourself that, go out and follow it through. Embracing yourself with give the freedom that you never thought you had.

Be Unique

People perceive life as something that is meant to achieve beauty, but everyone is unique. People come in different colors, sizes, and heritage. Everyone is the change that we see and that is true beauty. It is hard to let go of what people say about what you look like. It is a lot of pressure to fit societies version of beautiful, but in the long run people just need to feel comfortable and accept how beautiful they already are. Our bodies are a shell that lets us show our accomplishments. They are simply there to showcase everyone’s happiness. Beauty has been an interesting issue from different perspectives, but it is time to change that.

Picture Citations

"It’s Official! VS Angels Coming to Mykonos (video)." Protothemanewscom. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

Dailymail.com, Valerie Siebert For. "Plus-size Store Lane Bryant Criticized by Customers on Twitter for Using Thin Models and Mannequins, and for Its 'poor' Decision to Hire Wendy Williams as a Spokesperson." Daily Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 09 Dec. 2015. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

"Rachel Buchanan - Google+." Google+. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

Stone, A.R. "The Shocking Truth About Plus Size Models." A Plus. N.p., 02 Dec. 2014. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

March, Bridget. "ANTM Contestant and 'Vitiligo Spokesmodel' Talks about Beating the Beauty Bullies." Cosmopolitan. N.p., 14 Aug. 2014. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.


My goal for this piece was to make people understand the issue about beauty and what it truly means to be beautiful. While writing this, there were some bumpy roads. I have been through this when I was in middle school. Going through that really damaged my self-esteem. High school was a little bit better but not by much. I cheered all four years of high school not only because I love the sport, but because it was a way for me to look at lest decent enough so I would get picked on. When I got to college and joined Alpha Xi Delta, everything changed. Being with all of those girls made me finally accept who I was and what I looked like. My audience in this piece is to all of the girls who never have felt beautiful in their own skin. I want them to know that no matter what, you are beautiful and amazing just the way you are. Towards the end of my paper, I start to encourage girls and that is where my audience is noticeable. Using a hyperlink, in my opinion, is a lot easier than using MLA 8. With hyper linking all you have to is type in a link, but MLA if you do not have all of the information, you have to go search for it. It takes more time to use MLA than hyper links. For documents being read online, a hyper link is better because it is cleaner. I would say I could improve on my grammar and organization. If I could go back, I would revise and add some new information. I would also add a real-life interview.

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