A Cold Room The hot day

Ever go outside on one of those super hot days and you’re drinking all the water you can but your still hot.
Then your friend says “let's go swimming” so you go swimming and it feels great, but by the time you change into your normal clothes your hot again.
You get home and walk into your room and turn your air conditioner to max and close the door and within minutes you feel nice and cool.
The air seeps onto your super hot skin,filling your lungs with the fresh brisk frosty air and makes every part of your body cold as the heat stroke feeling starts to fade away.
you lay down on your bed and slowly drift into sleep,like a wave brushing over you.


Created with images by Myriams-Fotos - "sunset sun abendstimmung" • The Wandering Angel - "Dawn Blaze" • Archbob - "sunrise lake water" • oatsy40 - "House" • Hans - "rest relax concerns" • y2bk - "very comfy"

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