Rocky Mountains Melissa Ellis


In the different seasons there's different weather. In the fall there are cool crisp days, with wind and decreasing precipitation. At night in the winter it can get to -35 or below. In the spring there's unpredictable weather.In the summer there's sunny mornings, thunder storms in the after noon, and clear nights.The Rocky Mountains stretch to the northern most part of British Columbia to New Mexico.

Bryce Canyon National Park

The Hoodoos in Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon is one of the national parks in the Rocky Mountains. This park is located in Utah. The park was established on February 25, 1928. In 2015 it had 1,745,804 visitors. Bryce Canyon has a collection of hoodoos. Hoodoos are formed by frost weathering and steam erosion.

Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park is located in Montana. It was established on May 11, 1910. In 2015 this park had 2,366,056. 105 glaciers are know to have existed in the park 100 years ago and disappeared.

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park was established on March 1, 1872. It was established by U.S. congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant. This park is located in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. The park had 4,097,710 visitors in 2015. One of the most popular features is Old Faithful Geyser.

Mesa Verde National Park

The park was established by President Theodore Roosevelt on June 29, 1906. It is located in Montezuma County, Colorado. In 2015 the park had 547,325 visitors.

rocky Mountain National Park

A path in the park

The Rocky Mountain National Park was established in 1915. It has approximately 700 plant species. The park is home to animals such as Wapiti, (American Elk) Mule Deer, Golden Eagle, Coyote, Black Bear, and Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep.


Created with images by USDAgov - "Maps showing the study area and locations of stream temperature data" • krossbow - "Lake Irene Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park"

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