Willow millow Fatima ratbi

This is willow she is new to the town of Millow she doesn't have any friends or siblings neither does she have any parents she lives with her dog Jum and her two cat LaLa & Booboo.Willow is a very sad soul until she is going to rent a new house new school and new people.This means a whole lot of trouble.This is Jum

This is Jum .
This is LaLa & Booboo

Millow is a very gloomy town yet it is fuLl of happy people thato is why she came to millow to live a happy life even though it sounds impossible she wants to give it a shot.

This is Millow

Then one day Jum went running crazy and he sniffed out a necklace she put it on and then she felt so happy she wasn't shy she made friends that day and from since then she was never to take that necklace off that is what made Millow A happy town willow's neck lace

Willow's neclacnecklace
Created By
Fatima Ratbi


Created with images by Ansel Edwards Photography - "Poster of a Girl" • ToNic-Pics - "dog dog runs animal" • My Photo Journeys - "Cats" • thienzieyung - "Departure Above Tanjung Aru" • Jedidja - "watch hand necklace"

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