A Little Ball of Anger The life of Jessica Haughton

At a young age I was was labeled the sweet one. I accepted it because it gave a good name to my culture and my race and my family. Always being told Jamaicans are loud, black people have no filter, made me want to prove them wrong. In doing so I looked my emotions in me, always smiling and being kind because I didn't want to be the stereotype I was presumed to be.

"Ah vex yuh vex?" - (Jamaican saying asking if I am mad or not)

Now as I grow older I realized the more I keep looked up to please everyone the more I am hurting my self. My patience being running thinner each day, I had more anxiety attacks, more forced smiles and it only took the smallest of things to reach my breaking point. On last small touch shattered my world, and i let it all go.

Created By
Jessica H


Created with images by BSC Photography - "Fire Ball 3" • Tim Sheerman-Chase - "Seven Years Bad Luck" • Daria-Yakovleva - "candy sweetmeats sweets"

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