Everybody Should Try to Learn New Things About Themselves

Everybody should try to learn new things about themselves because you can enjoy new things, you can end up being really good at things you didn’t know existed, and you can get a new hobby.

Everybody should try to learn new things about themselves because you can enjoy new things. For example, I tried painting once and it was really fun. I had never tried painting before that and I really enjoyed it. So I learned that painting is an enjoyable activity. Sometimes people ask how I learned to paint. I think that I learned because I tried it out, kept practicing and realized that I was good at it. Also, you can doodle and make great drawings to express yourself. In addition, you can try starting classes like painting, yoga, parkour, and pottery and make friends in class.For example, you can go up to somebody and say do you need help?

Another reason that people should try learning new things about themselves is that you can end up being good at things you didn't know existed. For example, my dad is good at telling jokes. One night, he heard about “Open Mic Night” at the Taproom. He went to it and told some of his jokes to the crowd. He was good at it and now he goes every Wednesday to perform. Also, if you try sky diving you could end up being really good at maneuvering your body and using a parachute. In addition, you can discover new foods you like by trying new restaurants.

The most important reason that people should try learning new things about themselves is that you can have a new hobby. One example of this is the singer, Joan Osborne. She was a film major in college and one night her friends invited her to an “Open Mic Night” in New York City. She sang in front of an audience for the first time and was quite good. The club invited her back to sing the next week. Singing became a hobby which eventually led to a record contract. She is now a Grammy award winning artist. Also, according to the article, “Hobbies are Good for you: How to Find One That Fits Your Personality”, hobbies are a great way to meet new people and experience new adventures. Trying things like surfing, baseball, softball, building things, scrapbooking, football, soccer and gaming can lead to new friendships. In addition, the article states that “hobbies often provide a creative outlet that you might not get in your everyday life. They allow you to do something that’s just for you.”

This makes me feel that the article, “The Benefits of Doing Something Uncomfortable” says it best, “It all starts by deciding to take action. Decide that it’s time to do something new that you may have been afraid to do in the past.” This means that we should all try to learn new things about ourselves.

Created By
Jareth Klootwijk


Created with images by bethanye - "BMFA STR Bumbleberry" • Unsplash - "camera canon slr"

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