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Computer Science At Putnam Elementary school

All things Computer Science happening at Putnam Elementary School. All Grades, Kindergarten through Fifth, learn block code, how to program a robot, creating with circuits, and using coding apps on the iPad. To date, we have received over $70,000 in grant money to implement and support a Computer Science curriculum. Students learn computation thinking skills, problem solving skills, algorithms, sequencing, cause and effect, pattern recognition in coding and Robotics. We just completed year three of an after school program for "Girls who Code", with fun engaging devices that appeal and encourage girls and coding. Here is a look back on this past year and what each grade level is learning.

Creating LED displays with littleBits!

Kindergarten students use several apps on the iPad to learn about sequencing and pattern recognition. Students are using Ozobots to learn programming in Color! Students use "Code-a-pillar", and "Coding Mouse" to learn the basic skills of block code and programming directions.

Coding Mice
Snap Circuits

In First grade, students explore with other types of robots. We introduce Cubelets to our first grade students. The Cubelets are a small color coded cube that stick together magnetically to form a a variety of simple robots. We continue on with more advanced block coding on the iPad and expand the skills learning in sequencing to solve more complex coding challenges.

Second Grade students are using Osmo and Coding AWBIE to learn the concepts of block code and the principles of using code to move AWBIE through his world. The physical blocks help students understand patterns, sequence, and direction to reach each treasure.


In Third Grade students are working with Robotics! We use LEGO WeDo to create Milo the programable Robot and the importance of exploration using Robots. We also learn how to program DASH. A cute user friendly robot that can even record your voice.

Girls Who Code Club

This year marks the third year of our Girls Who CodeĀ® Club after school program. We are SO excited to boast 30 girls are registered to attend! Our first meeting we learned about Micro:bit. The tiny computer that has a ton of punch! Visit us soon to see what the future has to hold for these talented young women!

2024 Club created shoe box floats powered by a robot!
Building Electric Guitars with littleBits
After School Robotics Program

Our after school Robotics program uses LEGO SPIKE Essentials. Students use engineering skills to build a robot. They then have to write a program for the robots to follow to complete challenges and perform tasks. Our after school program is open to all 3rd-5th grade students.

Sphero Golf

Our 5th grade students combine their knowledge in engineering, design, coding and creativity to build a miniature golf course and program "Sphero" to complete the course. Over several weeks the students created their course and programmed their robot to complete each of the individual challenges.

We are excited to announce the opening of our Maker Space! We were the recipients of the Innovation Station Grant from OtterCares. Even a Pandemic could not deter us from our goal of creating a new an exciting learning opportunity for our students. We are so proud and elated to have our students back using hands on learning!

Embroidery with Code!

This next year will bring many more exciting experiences for our students. With our grants from Otterbox, Bohemian Foundation, and PSD Foundation we are able to provide a multitude of robotics, programming, coding and STEM activities for our students. Come join us! It is going to be AWESOME!!
