Nicole's goals English 2 | Period 2

Semester Goal

In the semester, I want to achieve getting at least a high C or even a B on math, and getting between A’s and B’s on the other classes.

I will achieve this goal by

  • When receiving homework, complete it and turn it in on time.
  • Putting my grades first, instead of doing things with friends.
  • Study often before a test, and don't procrastinate.

English Goal

In English class, I will turn in homework either early or on time, get 75-100 percent on quizzes and tests and maintain a low B to A grade. I will study earlier beforehand when we are informed of getting a test…. or if we aren't informed, hopefully I paid attention during class..

High school goal

In High school, I want to end the year with A’s and B’s...I don't have many goals for High school. I mainly want to get good grades and not have my mom badgering me constantly everyday about it and enjoy having freedom and peace. I also want to graduate and show to my mom that, yes, I was able to graduate. You thought wrong.

Wow, look at that. I graduated.

I can achieve this goal by

  • Do all my work and [Read below]
  • Turn in my home and class work on time.
  • Is there extra credit? Then I will take it and do it.

After High School Goal

After High school, I plan to go to a University like ASU or GCU, or go to an art college like CCAD (Columbus College of Art and Design) since I enjoy art very much. I plan to work and make money to support myself, and purchase things that I want and need.

I need to get a job and make money to pay for the out of state intuition because CCAD is out of state, its in Ohio.

Arizona State University, Columbus College of Art and Design

Personal Growth

For my own personal growth, I want to be kinder to people, and not judge at first sight, (I tend to do this a lot) I want to not get annoyed so often by everything, or get irritated by everything. (I also tend to do this often as well)

I also want to be happier and be more positive.

I can achieve this by

  • Try to get to know people a bit before I start judging them.
  • Try to not get irritated or annoyed by everything.


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