The Good Life by Angela Del Rossi Florida Museum of Natural History

Nature on Display

I found the cave exhibit extremely interesting. I liked the architecture of it and thought it was really cool how realistic it looked. It reminded me of when I went cave tubing in Belize. I found it enjoyable because of the dampness and darkness that imitated real life. I learned that many animals in caves are scavengers and feed on dead animal and plant matter which makes sense in the dark atmosphere.

Nature and Ethics

The relationship between nature and ethics is one of respect. The museum created life-like replicas of many exhibits that mirrored many different habitats. Respect starts with understanding. The more one goes into nature and sees natural Earth processes in action they will understand how vital it is to protect our planet. I chose to take a picture with the Native American replica because they understand the importance of conservation and do not waver in the face of opposition as they protect their land.

Nature and the Human Spirit

For the mystery and majesty of nature, I decided to take a picture of the forest exhibit. I think being in the woods really separates one's ego from the self. It's a place where leaves crunching is the only sound and light peaking through the trees is your guidance. It is a humbling place where technology doesn't work and your internal compass guides you. It is unlike many other places in the world were it magically puts you into an symbiotic ecosystem that you have to figure out. The large trees that accompany you remind you that you are small in this large world.

all photos used were taken by myself

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