Brazil By: Simon WEstmeyer, CAleb Lengerich, and Tanner Mcconnell

For Christmas in Brazil they eat pork, turkey, ham, salads, and fresh dried fruits.

The Brazilian do celebrate Christmas. The meal is served at 10pm on Christmas Eve and exactly at midnight people greet each other. Then they make a toast wishing everyone a Happy Christmas .

In Brazil Santa is called Papai. So yes, they do celebrate Santa.

They celebrate Christmas 2 days. On Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

They exchange gifts in Brazil, kind of like a secret Santa. The Brazilians have huge Christmas Trees.

A fun fact is that many Brazilian Christmas traditions come from Portugal because Portugal ruled Brazil for many years.


Created with images by nitrrj - "christ redeemer rio de janeiro" • Nicola since 1972 - "NicolEttone 2013 - IMG_0440" • illustir - "Santa" • Michael Cavén - "Christmas time"

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