Mali Jose l. Dearborn

Geographic theme of location

A place's absolute location is shown with latitude and longitude lines. This is its exact location. there is also Relative location, which means how a place is related or connected to other places through water, land, or technology

Mali’s Relative Location

Mali is in northwest Africa and is bordered by the countries of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal.


This is the capital of Mali The exact location of it is 12.6392 N, 8.0029 W
Mali is located on the continent of Africa

Interesting landforms would be the rugged hills with heights that reach upwards of 3,280 ft that spot the northeast.

Mali climate has three main seasons. Rainy season lasts from June to October. In the Northern Sahara zone in Mali has hot and dry climate whereas the climate of Mali in the subtropical southern part is hot and humid.
Algeria, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal all border Mali
The major river in Mali is the Niger River

Geographic theme of place

Definition-physical and human characteristics of an area

Some natural resources in Mali are gold, diamond, iron ore, oil, and uranium
Cultural groups in Mali include Tuareg, the Dogon, the Senufo, and many more
The main two religions in Mali are Christianity and Islam, islam is 90%of the population
1-1 is New Years, 5-1 is Labour day, 5-25i is Africa day, 9-22 is their Independence Day, but there are more holidays than that

Mali's government is a republic. some interesting facts is their legal system is a civil law system based on the French civil law model and influenced by customary law, they are a Semi-presidential system, and they are a unitary state

the geographic theme of human environment interaction. ways people change their environment and how the environment changes them

Some of the many crops grown here are maize, mangoes, and wheat
Some jobs in Mali are construction worker, miner, and farmers
There are many endangered species in Mali like the Felou Gundi, the Cheetah, the Lion, the African Elephant, and many more
Economical problems in Mali are desertification, deforestation, and soil erosion. On solution to theses problems is tree nurseries so some trees are planted back, water is held in the ground, and the ground is being held together better.

region is defined by its uniform physical or human characteristics

Schooling in Mali is public and free the kids go to school for nine years when they are 7-16 years

The population of Mali is about 18.5million people with a population density of 14.424 people per square kilometer

The area of Mali is 478,800 square miles

The GDP per capita in Mali is 720.8098

In Mali the life expectancy for males is 58.2 years and the life expectancy for females is 58.3 years

The literacy rate of Mali is 33.4 percent of people

Mali is in an subtropical to arid region

Geographic theme of movement

It is the movement of people, goods, and ideas

Some goods that are exported from Mali are cotton, metals, precious stones, and pearls.
The green in the flag hope, nature and fertility for the land. The yellow represents purity and mineral wealth. The red stands for strength and the blood spilled for independence

On March 31, 1960 France agreed to let Mali br fully independent

In Mali technology like phones computers, and cash registers are used.
Popular transport include the railway, busses, and scooters/mopeds
Created By
Jose Aragon Dearborn

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