Porcine At Their Best

Pictured above is me with one of my many piglets. I started raising pigs in 2014 which was my freshman year in high school. I mainly started raising pigs because my dad used to be a hog farmer and I want to follow in his footsteps.
Spooning at it's best. The piglets don't even care if they are siblings they just like to spoon each other.
Let me down! Pictured above is Callie Halverson trying to kiss one of my piglets, but by the looks of it the piglet doesn't like whats happening. This took place on Sept. 7th, 2016 in my hog barn.
Lets be lazy together.
Helping out the little ones.
Food Food Food. It must be feeding time for all of the piglets in the hog barn just after being born that day, July 31, 2016. Even the kitten wants to get in on the action.
Fresh from the womb. Just born 1 hour before this photo was taken on February 22, 2017. This piglet is getting ready to lie down and take a nap after having a hefty lunch of milk.

Graphic design elements used: Single Photo, Gestalt Laws, Fibonacci Spirals

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