Paradise À simple way of living

My perfect house would be a normal house but with a lot of screens somme robots here and there and all the tings I don't like would be automated for example the dishes or cleaning but it wouldn't be all automated because I like to do things by myself. This combination would be perfect because I could still do what I like and not what I dislike so I would never get bored.

In my house there will be a system that you can talk to and will start the programs of the robots for example you can say :<< do the dishes >> and the dishes robots will start their job.

It would be a great place to educate my child because I wouldn't have to worry about anything for example a real person can forget to close the barrier behind her but a robot is programmed and can't overrun his program so if you add this fonction to his coding it's impossible that he forget to do it so it's much safer for my child and I can put a robot to watch my child and play with him while I do my things.

In my house I'll have some holograms for example if I want to read the news there will be a hologram that will appear with the news on it or if I want to know the weather it will show me the weather

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