The Effects of Smartphones by Nicole Karam

Owning a smartphone at a young age leads to distractions causing grades to suffer, obesity, and real world relationships to suffer.
Instead of smartphone distractions, children should be outside playing with friends and bonding with family.
A child becomes lazy and unhealthy while continually staying on a smartphone.

True friends enjoy the beauty of the outdoors together without the distraction of cellphones.

Physical activity and teamwork is important growing up.

True happiness and relationships are not found through smartphones, but through the real world.


Created with images by apdk - "iphone" • Free Grunge Textures - - "Epic Fail Grade" • Tobyotter - "Young and Fat" • osseous - "April 7, 2014" • amslerPIX - "Happy Kids" • DJMAX - "father daughter child" • The hills are alive* - "Maddie" • vastateparksstaff - "Love is in the Air" • ViNull - "Soccer" • lorenkerns - "Molly laughing...something she does a lot!"

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