
美选举舞弊的数据可以被量化和估算 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:GATEWAY PUNDIT《门户评论员》;作者:乔·霍夫特(Joe Hoft);发布时间:November 17, 2020 /2020年11月17 日

翻译/简评:Dreamer文童;校对:Julia Win;审核:海阔天空;Page:拱卒





The Courts Will Likely Overturn the Election Results In Numerous Jurisdictions Due to Voter Fraud – In the Data Is Where the Amount of Election Fraud Can Be Quantified and Estimated

法院很可能因选民舞弊而推翻多个司法管辖区的选举结果 - 因为选举舞弊的数量可以在数据中被量化和估算

Voter fraud occurred across the board in the 2020 election and in every functional area. But in the data is where we’re able to locate and quantify or estimate much of the amount of election fraud which occurred in the 2020 election.


The 2020 election steal occurred in all areas. Before the election votes were mass-mailed and many of these votes we now are finding were illegitimate (i.e. dead people voting, etc…). Many other illegitimate votes came in after the election as those involved in the theft hurried to get enough votes counted to steal the election. Then the vote counting process was manipulated and against the law as Republican vote counting observers were not allowed to observe the process. The courts will and should overturn the results of the election connected to this voter fraud.


But ultimately we can quantify the steal in the data reported from the system. All the corruption in the election with ballots and the process surrounding that are a distraction per one former Law Enforcement Officer on Twitter:


They set me straight right off the bat that I'm going about this from the wrong angle 100%. 2020年11月8日 他们让我一开始就从100%错误的角度去做这件事情。All the dirty voter rolls, mysterious midnight dumps and sharpie claims, are nothing but a distraction, as well is the counting room lockouts, all deliberate distractions to draw attention to a dead end road. 所有那些肮脏的选民名单、神秘的午夜数据转存和狡猾的辩解,只不过是分散注意力,计票室的封锁也是如此,都是故意分散注意力,把关注引向一条死路。

These corrupt voter fraud activities should be investigated and the criminals involved be held accountable for their voter fraud actions. In addition, the election fraud most likely can be found in the system because we know that the voting machines are not ‘air-gapped’ but are connected to the Internet:


First thing they debunked right off the bat was the dishonest belief that our voter system is an air-gapped secure voting system. True enough the actual point of the original vote in any state system is air-gapped. 他们首先揭穿的第一件事情就是不诚实地认为,我们的选民系统是一个隔离式的安全投票系统。的确,在任何州的投票系统中,原始投票的出发点都是安全隔离的系统。

The tabulation systems are not air-gapped and this is where the major fraud occurred:


Where the real theft is happening is in the tabulation systems not in the count rooms. This is where the nefarious actions are coming from.真正的窃取发生在制表系统,而不是计票室。这就是违法行为的来源。The tabulation systems are not air-gapped, this isn't a secret it's just not ever talked about, because they always direct you to the voting machine itself.制表系统不是安全隔离的,这不是秘密,只是从来没有被谈及,因为他们总是把你引导至投票机本身。

The election steal took place in the system and on November 7th some people already suspected this was being managed overseas in Spain and Germany:


In the data is where the the steal may best be identified. The voter fraud and millions of cases of voter abuse and vote counting abuse are very important and likely disqualify the results of the election. But another key to the steal was in the data.


We have already identified some patterns of abuse and blocks of votes that were illegal. There’s more to come.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】