My Architect Career by: Denis

Description : A Architect is someone who makes blue prints for a structure an someone who builds the structure

Education : completing a professional degree in architecture, gaining relevant experience through a paid internship, and passing the Architect Registration Examination.

Salary : The median annual wage for architects was $74,520.

What a typical day might look like : So what exactly does an architect do all day? Chances are the answer is “a lot” and depending on the market sector in which they focus, probably something somewhat similar and somewhat unique compared to all the other architects out there working away. I thought I would put together a post that explained what I do and how I spend my time on any given day.

Fun facts : Unofficially named after the beloved author for its uncanny resemblance to Seuss' illustrated abodes, this 12-story spectacle was abandoned for around 10 years and only recently completed. Considering the views from the top, its owners may legitimately be able to see Russia from their house.


my career

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