
GOOGLE PLUS Optimized setup

Google plus must not be over looked

It is the social media for the largest search engine in the world

When you properly setup Google Plus it is not only used across your Google services. It optimizes your search, creates your blogs and Websight content. Your advertising network "adwords" is also a part of your setup.

It is a no brainer

Google plus's features and platform truly prepares you and sets you up for success.

Here's a list of ways we set up and optimize google plus

Proper profile set up
YOUR PROFILE is viwed across Google networks
Create public collections
Collections are your future posts or interest based personalized collections
Follow collections
Following collections that matter to your brand
Create private collections
Private collections help you plan campaigns or monitor competitors
Create a community
A community is basically your websights pages and posts
Follow communities
Following communities that matter to your brand
YouTube fan channel & page
Your youtube BUSINESS channel and fan page are connected to your google plus
Schedule posts
Scheduling your posts and interactions to peek times and days
Create polls
Polls are a great feature to engage your audience
Image formatting for dynamic viewing
Using gifs as cover photos is eye catching
Video posting
It is a MUST to use g+
Industry outreach
Find your current audience
Out reaching through your email and CONTACTS
Truly, completely, link build on your profile
Endless amounts of links allowed in profile optimize your search strength
Open up privacy settings
Making sure every one can see you
Contact circles
Creating circles from your groups
Scheduled Engagements
Created By
Roly Daniel


Created with images by ivanpw - "Google Plus"

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