
Attendance Matters 2020-2021 #EveryDayCounts

At Milefield Primary School, we recognise the importance of good attendance and the positive impact this has on pupils' progress, achievement and well-being. We place much value on this and have a number of mechanisms in place to support both parents and pupils to ensure attendance is the best it can possibly be.

COVID-19 lockdown will have inevitably had some impact on children whether it be academic, social or emotional. Therefore it is essential that now, more than ever, all pupils attend school everyday.

Recent announcements from the Prime Minister stress the importance of returning to school, highlighting how the return to school in September is vital for children’s education, welfare, physical and mental well-being.

The Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, has also recently emphasised that a lack of schooling increases inequalities, reduces the life chances of children and can worsen physical and mental health issues.

Home-School Partnerships- We're all in this together...
Good attendance at school is the key link to academic success.

The partnership between home and school is key to a successful re-opening. It is vital that we work together to ensure the this is a happy experience for all and that children leave school each day smiling. We are working tirelessly to ensure children feel safe, happy and confident in school so they return the following morning with energy, eagerness and an enthusiasm for learning!

We are asking for the support of all parents/carers in ensuring pupils attend school every day.
Parental Involvement with school is absolutely KEY to a child’s success. you are an important part of the equation, and successful reopening in September requires partnership across the board.
Parents are responsible for ensuring any child of compulsory school age attends school regularly .

We understand that some families may still have concerns about the full re-opening of school in September. However, we hope recent communication has eased some of these anxieties and that it is clear how we have worked tirelessly to reduce risk and ensure school is a safe place for pupils and staff.

We have a dedicated member of staff to support families experiencing difficulties in ensuring pupils full attendance at school. Please contact Miss Jones who is here to support you and your child.
We are approachable and here to support you. please contact Miss Jones or a member of the school team on 01226 710329 or follow us on twitter @mfps_parents.

Parental engagement is important to us. If you have any ideas on how we can improve parent partnerships or attendance please get in touch.

supporting your child's return to school...
The safety and well-being of pupils, parents and staff is our number one priority. Please see the link below to our School Return Document which highlights the new school day and measures that have been put in place to keep everyone safe.

For further information about what we are doing to support your child's return to school please use the following links...

In READINESS for pupils' return...
  • Teachers have been working hard to prepare engaging lessons and plan an exciting and purposeful curriculum to meet pupil needs.
  • Class Twitter pages are in place for parents and pupils to follow. Please watch out for regular updates, key information and tweets about daily learning and school life.
  • A tailored Recovery Curriculum has been planned to ensure gaps in core skills and knowledge are addressed and pupils make speedy progress.
  • PSHE and supporting pupils well-being will be prioritised to allow opportunities for pupils to reflect, talk and discuss their feelings.
  • Staff will be available each day to answer questions, for a quick chat or to arrange a time for a more formal meeting.
  • Staff have been developing the school environment; creating stimulating and inspiring spaces where pupils can learn, develop and progress.
Supporting your child's return to school...
If you have any worries, concerns or questions please talk to us. staff will be available at the start and end of everyday. Alternatively, to make an appointment to speak to a member of staff please contact the school office on 01226 710329.

What you can do to help at home...

Talk to your child each Day about:
  • What they have learnt in school.
  • Friendships have they made and who they have played with.
  • What new skills/knowledge they have learnt and how can they apply this.
  • How are they feeling and why.
  • Why it is important to come to school.
  • Their aspirations and opportunities available to them.
Establishing routines...
Make sure your child knows when bedtime is and stick to it- have a clear routine, including story time.
Set an alarm and give yourselves plenty of time to get organised and ready for the day.
Make sure your child eats breakfast. We cannot offer toast at this time.
Talk to your child about school expectations.
Be punctual, every minute at school counts!
Work with us - home-school partnerships are essential to school success and your child's progress.

Our school day start and finish times are a little different in September so please ensure you are familiar with the these to avoid waiting on the playground or arriving late. Members of staff will be available everyday to assist you.

Top Tips to get to school on time everyday...
  • Make sure your child knows why school is important, even if you had a bad experience as a child at school.
  • Show your child that you are interested in what they have learnt or are learning.
  • Get everything you need ready the night before
  • Set your alarm; see who can beat the clock
  • Join Breakfast club
  • Set off a little earlier
  • Connect with your child’s teachers.
  • If there is problem, please speak to Miss Jones asap to ensure this is sorted immediately; this will prevent absence spiralling out of control.
In our drive to improve attendance and support all pupils to be in school on time, everyday, our attendance rewards and incentives have been reviewed and revised.
We will be continually celebrating the good and exceptional attendance of both pupils and classes and have some new and exciting incentives to support this.

AS always, we will be striving to meet our school target of 97%+


Let's start as we mean to go on... During the first 3 days back in September 1 child from each class will win a daily prize. Plus on Monday 7th (via Zoom assembly), one lucky parent whose child has attended all three days will be chosen to win a £50 Asda gift card.


The Cash for Class incentive will run from September for the academic year. Pupils will need to work as a class team to win cash for their class. Each class will receive cash prizes dependent on their overall weekly class attendance:

97%+ = £5
95%+ = £3
94% = £2
93%= £1

Classes will have a class cash jar and will choose how and when they would like to spend their money. Pupils may decide to spend their money every half term/term or they may decide to save their cash and spend it at the end of the year. Pupils can choose from treats such as ice-creams, popcorn, movie days, trips, discos etc...

Make sure you are here every day to help your class build up their Cash!
To reward and raise the profile We will also be...
Running attendance matters weeks throughout the academic year- please follow us on Twitter for updates. @MilefieldP
Hosting weekly Attendance assemblies (via zoom)
Rewarding Best Class attendance (weekly)- pupils will receive a class certificate and a reward chosen by class teacher e.g. extra playtime.
Presenting pupils with attendance certificates/postcards for excellent attendance (Termly)
Contacting parents of pupils with excellent attendance via text (Fortnightly)
ATTENDANCE ADVENT: Throughout the month of December we will be running an attendance advent. Pupils in attendance will have the chance of winning one of the exciting daily prizes!
Medical issues and illness...

If your child is ill, please take them to a doctor and obtain a medical appointment card so we can update your records as early and accurately as possible. You should make contact with school every day so we can update our records on a daily basis.

Sometimes your child can feel mildly under the weather but they are actually well enough to attend school. If this is the case and your child deteriorates throughout the day, then you will be contacted immediately.

Remember, only keep your child at home if it is necessary.
Holidays during term time...
  • Leave of absence for holidays during term time will NOT be authorised.
  • A leave of absence request form MUST be completed.
  • Whilst your child is on holiday, their classmates are still learning.
  • Penalty notices will be issued.
  • Children only attend school for 190 Days out of 365 this leaves 175 days for holiday, shopping and other activities.
Please book holidays and days out in these 175 days.


Did you know?

It has been proven that children who frequently miss school are more likely to:
  • Fall behind with their schoolwork and not achieve to their full potential.
  • Find it difficult to make and keep friends.
  • Be unhappy at school.
  • Misbehave so others do not see they are struggling with their work.
  • Create a bad routine that can make it difficult to get or keep a job in the future.
Please visit the BMBC education welfare website for any further information regarding penalty notices, regulations, AND legislation.


Created with images by Simon Berger - "wood planks, background" • Shane Rounce - "Team building at RGB Parkour Tour back in 2014." • Morning Brew - "untitled image" • Tim Mossholder - "Love to Learn" • Agence Olloweb - "Il s’agit d’une photographie réalisée pour illustrer notre page des offres de création graphique de l’agence web Olloweb Solution" • Daiga Ellaby - "untitled image" • Laura Chouette - "untitled image" • Andrik Langfield - "untitled image" • Jason Leung - "Colorful confetti falling down with a teal background" • Jason Leung - "Colorful confetti falling down with a teal background" • Jessica Fadel - "snowfall in december" • Bill Oxford - "untitled image" • Sai Kiran Anagani - "At the beach" • Jon Tyson - "untitled image"