
TwoSix Digital Reflects on Why Travel Matters u.s. travel association National travel and tourism week 2019

This year, the U.S. Travel Association will celebrate National Travel and Tourism Week May 5 through May 11. The week is an annual tradition set to celebrate not only the U.S. travel community, but also to unite the different values that travel holds for the economy, businesses and personal well-being.

The week's theme is "Travel Matters" and the content distributed throughout the week will be inline with this theme. In celebration of the travel industry and this topic specifically, our team reflected on why we believe travel matters. Read on to hear what we each had to say!

Travel matters because it gives you so much in return. Travel provides you with an opportunity to step away from your daily routine and environment to experience something different. A new setting can be an incredible boost your brain and body – changing the way you think and feel. And, the more you do it, the more you learn about the world, its people and, of course, yourself. - Dave Serino, Founder & Chief Strategist
From a personal standpoint, travel is important because of the perspectives one can gain. Nothing beats experiencing things in-person. Whether it be the smell of the ocean, the vibe of a city, or attitude of the locals. Gaining perspective is a key benefit to travel. Travel experiences can help better define our own beliefs and dispel/confirm existing stereotypes...
From an industry standpoint, travel is a huge economic engine that can bring significant external funds to a community. Travelers need to stay somewhere, eat something, and indulge in experiences, all of which fuel economic growth and support businesses large and small. Not only can it be a money maker, but travel also creates jobs that help feed the families that fuel our communities. - Brian Matson, Senior Director of Strategy & Education
Put simply, travel matters because it's the backbone of the human experience and has such far-reaching benefits. Tourism, through funds generated and by other means, advances cultural conservation, environmental preservation, and general socio-economic development. In 2018, travel was the second fastest-growing sector in the world and contributed a record $8.8 trillion and 319 million jobs to the world economy.
Alone, these numbers demonstrate its immense significance. Combined with the wonderful experiences each of us gain while traveling, such as connecting with others' culture and forging lasting memories, the importance of tourism is difficult to understate. - Nick Danowski, Lead Content Strategist
I believe that travel matters because it pushes you out of your comfort zone. It allows you to discover new exciting parts of the world. Most importantly you can take bits of the things you've seen and incorporate them into your life! - Amber O'Brien, Senior Digital Advertising Strategist
Travel matters because not only do you get to learn about new parts of this glorious earth we live in and experience new and exciting things, but it's also proven to vastly improve our mental health. Taking time off work to travel is so good for our productivity and our overall well-being. - Megan Schroder, Director of Special Projects

To learn more about how Travel Matters to not only our organization, but to businesses all over the country, be sure to follow #TravelMatters on Twitter and Instagram and join the conversation.

National Travel and Tourism Week is organized by the U.S. Travel Association and runs from May 5 - 11, 2019.

To stay up-to-date on the latest digital marketing & tourism trends, be sure to follow us across social media and sign-up to receive our e-newsletter.


Created with images by esudroff - "road red rocks rock formations" • John Matychuk - "untitled image" • Dino Reichmuth - "untitled image" • Marten Bjork - "untitled image" • Ishan @seefromthesky - "untitled image" • Chris Lawton - "untitled image" • Capturing the human heart. - "untitled image"

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