Coach V's Cottage By Claudia albares

The first step I took to design my cottage was to plan out the layout I wanted for the cottage and how I wanted it to look like. Afterwards Based on the dimensions I made for my cottage (9m by 11m), I drew a layout of the cottage from the Bird's Eye View.The next step was planning what the cottage would look like from the different sides of the house from ground level.

Once I was done with the blue prints my next task was to make a 3-dimensional looking version of my cottage.The website I used to achieve this was Tinkercad. I was able to make interior walls as well as exterior walls and also windows for my cottage.Of course, every house needs a roof, for my cottage I used the triangular prism button.

The following pictures are of my cottage from each perspective. Each perspective was then used to help calculate the costs associated with painting the exterior walls, putting shingles on the roof, and heating the home.

Front View
Side View
Back View
Top view
Bird Eye View

Of course every house has it's own price and in this project, we need to calculate the surface area of the exterior walls, the area of the rooftop, and the volume of the home in order to find the cost of paint, shingles, and heating.

Mr. V would need to pay a total of 2,852 This includes 80 euros for the Celestial Blue exterior paint, 990 euros for a new roof, and 1,782 euros to pay for 3 months of heating during the freezing cold.In the end I would say this is good price for a bunch endless memories .

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