The Best of Friends Stand-out friendships in teen fiction from Mackin Books in Bloom

A good friend can change your life.

It isn't always easy to be a good friend. But it is worth it.

Teen fiction is full of really good friendships, but here are just a few sets of friends that stood out to me from recent reads along with just what I found so compelling about them.

Stevie and Sanger in Lucky Few

Because a good friendship can navigate big changes.

Stevie and Sanger don't exactly fit in with the other kids in their homeschool co-op. But that doesn't matter when they have each other.

They’ve been friends for a long time, but this summer things start to change.

The first big change is Max, Stevie’s new neighbor. How will he fit into Stevie and Sanger's friendship?

Stevie is right there for Sanger when the next big change comes: Sanger might be kicked out of the homeschool co-op because her moms are lesbians. The quirky characters, dry humor, and a fantastic friendship make this a memorable novel.

Solomon and Lisa from Highly Illogical Behavior

Because real friendship involves learning from each other.

Solomon Reed doesn’t have a lot of friends. He is homebound due to his anxiety and depression. He hasn’t left the house in three years. What happens when Lisa wants to be his friend?

Lisa’s motives for wanting to be Solomon's friend may not be as pure as one might hope.

Despite their issues, Solomon and Lisa learn a lot about themselves and each other as a result of their friendship, and this novel is a nuanced look at living with mental illness, friendship, and identity.

Frances and Stella in Eleven Things I Promised

Because friendship can push you out of your comfort zone.

Frances would never have decided to participate in a 350 mile charity bike ride if it weren’t for her best friend Stella.

Cycling was Stella’s thing, and Frances was just tagging along. But after Stella is seriously injured during training, Frances is on her own for the week-long ride among other teens she barely knows.

It’s not exactly what Frances pictured, but she promised Stella she would complete the ride for both of them. And that's not all she has promised...

Bo and Agnes in Run

Because they'll do anything for each other. Even run away. 

Bo and Agnes couldn't be more different. You'd never expect them to be friends.

But the truth is, there is more to both of them than anyone in their small town realizes.

You can read more about Run in this review from the Books in Bloom archives.

Do you have a favorite friendship in teen fiction?

We'd love to hear about it. Tweet @MackinBooks with your YA Lit friendship stories.

By Mindy R.

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